Cherchez-vous un employé?

Nos succès


Permanent recruitment assignments have been entrusted to us


Customers have placed their trust in us since 2020


Customer satisfaction index on Google reviews, based on 42 testimonials

Nos solutions

Heads & Hunters est spécialisé dans le recrutement et la sélection de profils spécialisés en Sales, Marketing, Ressources Humaines, Senior Management & C-Level et Retail & FMCG. Nous offrons un service hautement qualitatif, garanti par nos engagements et notre méthodologie unique.

Nous garantissons le “zéro défaut” en répondant aux besoins spécifiques et ponctuels de nos clients. C’est pourquoi nous proposons à nos clients une grande flexibilité en termes de types de contrat que nous définirons en fonction de vos besoins:

Recrutement permanent

Flex recrutement

Développement des personnes et des talents

Notre approche du recrutement 

Our Network

We engage daily with employees and freelance experts in their respective fields. 
Building and maintaining our network is a crucial part of our work. 
This continuous interaction ensures that we are always connected with top talent and industry specialists, enabling us to provide the best resources and solutions for our clients.

Needs Assessment

In this stage, we hold consultation and orientation sessions to clearly define your needs and objectives
We work with you to determine the specific profile required for your project or organization. 
Once the requirements are crystal clear, we seek your approval to proceed with the mission.

Search and Selection

Our process begins with publishing the job opening on our website and LinkedIn network. 
We then identify potential experts within our extensive network and conduct thorough research and sourcing. 
The selection of the final candidate is ultimately done by your organization, ensuring the perfect fit for your needs.

Contract and Follow-Up

We assist you throughout the proposal and contract stage, providing support to ensure a smooth onboarding process for the recruited candidate, if desired. 
We continue to evaluate and follow up with both the employee and your organization during the initial months of collaboration, ensuring everything is on track and addressing any issues that may arise.

Mission Follow-Up (for our consultants)

Beyond acting as the commercial intermediary for our freelance partners, we ensure all administrative aspects (contracts, insurance, payments) are meticulously managed.  We provide continuous follow-up, support, and necessary coaching.   
Additionally, we offer workshops, networking opportunities, and training sessions to further enhance the capabilities and performance of our consultants and their clients.


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